Multimedia Section

The new MGS wad has been posted up, and I believe that its well worth the download. Be sure to check it out, that challenge is STILL storng!!

Multimedia Files

Resident Evil Icons and Pointers : Zipped Format
The Infamous music of your encounters with Tyrant: Realplayer format
Birkins theme from the Final battle of RE 2: Realplayer Format
The RE 1 characters "doing it"??: Zipped Format
Rebecca playing the Monlight Sonnata: Zipped Format
What if Rebecca bit Richard??: Zipped Format
The Infamous "Save Room" music: MIDI Format
An explanation into the word F*ck: Zipped Format (Also hilarious!!)

Wad Files

Resident Evil II PD: This file is in Zipped format
Metal Gear Solid for Doom II: This file is in Zipped format